As an ex-professional ballet dancer I am very posture conscious. I was becoming increasingly dismayed and frustrated at the poor posture of my 12 year old son, Joey. His shoulders were sloping and rounded, his chest pinched concave, his head and neck protruding too far forward – a result of far too much leisure time spent in front of screens. I spent months searching for a solution but Joey refused to attend ballet or yoga classes and my constant nagging certainly wasn’t helping.

Then I discovered Rolfing! My mother told me about and article she had read in The Dancing Times that recommended Rolfing as a highly successful technique to realign children’s posture. I researched it on the internet and decided to give it a go.

Joey is on number nine of the ten session series with Certified Advanced Rolfer Alan Richardson. The results are truly astounding. His shoulder blades are flatter, his shoulders straight, his chest fuller and his “chicken” neck more aligned. His gait has also improved and he has become more body-aware. He looks stronger, more robust and better balanced, more comfortable in his body. As an added bonus his confidence and self esteem have been noticeably boosted – he looks me in the eye more. I am so delighted we have gone down the Rolfing route. It was the right course of action for Joey. I highly recommend Rolfing to anyone in a similar situation.


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